Digital Giving Bundle
When you improve and emphasize digital giving, overall giving increases. That means more money for ministry. The Digital Giving Bundle brings three of our best-selling resources together in one low-priced, instant download.
When you improve and emphasize digital giving, overall giving increases. And that means more money for ministry.
- You will move people from sporadic, in-service giving to recurring, online giving.
- You will level out the budget, making a dent in the dreaded summer-slump.
- Overall giving will increase, enabling you to do more ministry.
You will get instant access to three great resources to help you roll out, emphasize and improve digital giving in your church.
#1 – Two Coaching Sessions
- Video #1: The #1 Way to Get More Money for Ministry. In this session, you’ll learn how to create a digital giving strategy, emphasize it appropriately, add new tools and increase participating.
- Video #2: Giving Made Easy. In this session, you’ll learn how giving people multiple ways to give truly increases giving. We will walk you through four common ways. You’ll get all of this on video, in audio form, and in PDF eBook. That makes it easy to consume and easy to share with your team.
#2 – A Digital Giving Brand
- You’ll get all the graphics and files so you can talk about the different ways to give at your church. This includes all the original Photoshop files so you can adapt them to fit your church’s needs.
- The image below is a taste of all the artwork you’ll get.

#3 – Automate the Important – a done for you “campaign” to roll out or emphasize recurring, online donations.
- An announcement from the stage or an email to your congregation is NOT ENOUGH. Setting up online giving or plugging in a giving kiosk won’t work. You need to focus on this, and we will show you how. Automate the Important is a plug and play intentional campaign to help you emphasize digital giving. Everything is done for you.
- A step-by-step eBook that unpacks the six reasons your church needs digital giving, the common objections to digital giving, 3 steps to implement digital giving and a 10-step process to move people to automated giving.
- An all-inclusive media communication packet. We’ll give you letters and emails that you can send your congregation. We’ll give you announcement scripts, blog posts and sign-up cards. We’ll give you all the communication tools for before, during and after your emphasis. Everything is done for you.
- A graphic packet that includes editable logos, icons, and screen graphics. You’ll get the original artwork so you can modify as needed.
- Audio coaching from Casey Graham on how to do all of this. You’ll get three separate audio seminars.
We’ve seen hundreds of churches increase giving using the Automate the Important campaign. And it’s just one of the three resources included in the Digital Giving Bundle.
- You want to move inconsistent givers to consistent givers
- You want to reach more people
- Your vision is bigger than your bank account
- You need to hire staff
- You need to build financial margin quickly
*This is a digital resource. After purchase, you will receive an email with a link and instructions on how to download this resource.