Why You Should Do an Easter Offering
I did a quick Google search for churches and special offerings and found a lot of special offerings out there. I’ve heard of churches doing seven or eight different offerings a year, in addition to their weekly offering. Here are a few of the special offerings you could do:
- Summer camp for students
- Local food shelter
- Christmas Offering
- Easter Offering
- Lottie Moon
- Annie Armstrong
- Offering for the Gideons
- Disaster relief
- Crisis pregnancy
- School supplies
- Winter coats
- Canned food
If you have a special offering all the time, by definition, they will cease to be special.
When you emphasize a new giving opportunity all the time, you’re taking the focus off the bread and butter.
We believe that special offerings (like an Easter Offering) are great opportunities to fund special projects and engage new givers. People new to the church might be more attracted to a cause.
But too many special offerings can be dangerous.