3 Volunteer Traits to Recruit for Maximum Service

by Ben Crawshaw Most of us know that the people who serve the church often sustain the life of it. It’s no shock that volunteers are the lifeblood of any church. Yet when it comes to recruiting volunteers, it’s often one of the hardest things. We feel overwhelmed so we just stop asking or we…

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Why “Volunteer” Is The Wrong Word

When it comes to non-paid people who attend your church, “volunteering” is often the last thing on their mind. Most of them are just trying to hang in there when it comes to everyday life. They’re just proud of themselves for making it to church a couple of Sundays a month. But because they are…

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Three Things Every Volunteer in Your Church Needs

We often think of what volunteers can do for the church, but there are things your volunteers need from you.  In fact, without these three things, volunteers will not feel successful.  Failure to do these three things will result in volunteer burnout. Here are three things every volunteer in your church needs.   1.  They…

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