Posts Tagged ‘sermon prep’
Three Powerful Ways to Start Your Sermon
Most communicators understand that their message introduction must capture the attention of the congregation, or half of them will be asleep by first point on the outline. However, the best openers not only get attention, they get people thinking differently— opening the path to transformed living. Powerful communicators don’t wait for the conclusion to issue…
Read MoreThe Ten Commandments of Preaching
God gave the original Ten Commandments to Moses and the Nation of Israel from the top of Mount Sinai. These commandments aren’t in the Bible, and they weren’t written in stone. But breaking them could keep you from connecting with your congregation. Here are the Ten Commandments of Preaching. Thou shalt not preach stolen sermons.…
Read MoreHow Preaching Rocket helped Joshua Watson connect better with his audience
July is story month. During the month of July we are sharing your stories. Joshua Watson is the associate pastor of iConnect Ministries in Austin, TX. They have a vision to reach wealthy business owners. Joshua shared a little with us how Preaching Rocket has helped him move people to action. “The turnaround in my…
Read MoreWhere to Find Great Sermon Illustrations
As a preacher, I’m always looking for great sermon illustrations. So I thought I would share a list of some of the top secret places I find sermon illustrations. After all, there shouldn’t be trade secrets in the Kingdom of God. Here are seven go-to places for sermon illustrations. 1. Your past. You may…
Read MoreSix Ways to Make Your Sermon Stick
One of my favorite books is Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath. It’s all about how some ideas stick, while other ideas fade away. As preachers, helping our messages stick is important. In the book, the Heath Brothers (typing that makes me hungry for a candy bar), give six ways to make a…
Read MoreHow to Effectively Communicate to Students
Andy Stanley spoke during a main session at the Orange Conference. Here are some highlights of his message on how to to effectively communicate to students. Your approach determines people’s response. We must adapt our approaches to connect with our target audiences. How do you win as many people as possible? You change your approach.…
Read MoreWhat Preachers Can Learn from the Best Business Communicators
I remember three things about the iPhone launch: 1. I was at home sick with the flu. 2. It was the first time I had ever watched Steve Jobs give a presentation. 3. After he was done, I really wanted an iPhone. I’ll be the first to admit that a sermon is different than a…
Read MoreFive Ways To Beat Sermon Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is a familiar, dreaded place. It’s where the blinking cursor on the computer screen seems to be taunting and laughing. It’s the same thing with Sermon Block. Sunday’s coming and nothing seems to be flowing from the mind to the page. That’s one of the reasons we created Preaching Rocket. Sermon Block is…
Read More10 Keys to Preaching from Crawford Lorrits
Crawford Loritts, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA, conducted an incredible seminar on effective preaching and teaching. Crawfords thoughts were so insightful that our team wished to pass them along to you. One thing you will notice as you read Crawfords words is his incredible use of language and desire to invest…
Read MoreFive Things Every Sermon Needs
The word “sermon” comes from an old Latin word meaning “discourse.” But a sermon is far more important than a speech. A properly prepared and delivered message is powerful thing – God’s truth delivered through the voice of a herald. In most church services, the sermon is a central element. It’s too important to cut-and-paste.…
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