Church budgeting pitfalls

Church Budgeting Pitfalls

Have you ever made mistakes in your church budgeting? It’s okay. We’ve all been there. The important thing to remember is that you can always adjust and do your best to rectify those mistakes. However, today we’d like to help you avoid those pitfalls completely. Because when you avoid some major church budgeting pitfalls, you’re…

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What Does a Financially Healthy Church Look Like?

When you think about a financially healthy church, what comes to mind? Is it the church with a large budget? Is it the church that can put on a full production each week for worship services? Or maybe you think about the church that just reached their goal for a large building campaign? Regardless of…

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Why a Giving Strategy Matters

There are two kinds of churches, and they’re revealed by the way they answer this question, regarding their giving strategy: How much money will your church bring in this year? Type 1 answers with a figure. Type 2 answers with something vague. The thing is, those Type 1 churches are usually correct in their confident,…

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3 Simple Phases To A Great Fundraising Campaign

Let me ask you a question: do you want to execute a successful fundraising campaign? Stupid question, right? It’s like one of those questions a college professor asks at the beginning of his first lecture to get you to pay attention in his class all semester… something like, “Do you want to succeed when you…

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Loving Through Giving

“You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving” – Amy Carmichael Carmichael hits a valid point, but we know that church giving is complicated, multi-faceted, and requires a balanced approach. Your church needs a budget to keep the doors open, but money is a difficult topic to talk about, both from…

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A Church Finance Story, And God’s Miracle

The testimony below is a story we received from Pastor Michael Acker. We hope you find it encouraging. Many church leaders and christians hear either the bad stories of what happens at churches, or they hear the HUGE stories of what God is doing in the BIG churches.  But, I wanted to share about what…

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Organize Your Church With These Five Systems

What system in your church needs the most work? I moved to Atlanta in 2006 to start a brand new church, and one of the first conferences I attended as a new church planter was The Drive Conference at Northpoint Community Church. At that conference, I heard Andy Stanley say it was systems, not just…

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Why People Don’t Tithe To Your Church

You pass the plate every week, you’ve got an online giving button on your website and you send a super-informative letter with a contribution statement. So why don’t more people give to your church? Or why don’t people increase their giving to fund the vision?  Here are seven reasons people don’t tithe to your church.…

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How to Make A Church Budget Sexy (It’s Possible…)

Does your church budget look like this? Or does it look like this? Here is the deal… Nobody cares about the church budget except the people in charge of it.  However, people care about people.  The way to make your staff care about the budget is to make it come alive through pictures and stories.…

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