How to raise money when you’re competing with Disney World, the latest Apple products, and even charities!
Black Friday comes for retailers usually in the form of the day after Thanksgiving and the sales that put their finances “in the black” for the year. Seriously, most of these brick-and-mortar stores dance in the red until that magic moment when alarm clocks go off around America and people dash into a sea of traffic, crowded aisles, and long checkout lines.
Retailers wait patiently for that day. They even count on it.
As a church leader, do you feel the same way about the end-of-year offering? Do your church finances dance in the red until that awesome moment with God’s people are generous with their money?
Here’s what’s true for churches nowadays. While it used to be assumed that you can count on your faithful members to “gift” your church at the end of the year and put you in the black, now there’s more than ever competing for those dollars!
“We need to take a year-end trip to Disney World,” says one very involved family. Ok, add up in your head the costs for a family of 4 to go to the Disney parks for a week and think about what might be left over for your Christmas offering. Okay.
“My iPhone is getting old, and it’s more expensive to replace it than it’s ever been before,” says a dad of 5, who knows that will mean LESS in the special Christmas offering envelope.
At the end of the year, your members are also hit from every angle. There’s the Salvation Army and their ringing bells. There’s opportunities to give to other charities at the checkout at the supermarket.
So it’s not really a competition with these other charities. Nor Apple. Nor Disney.
But you get the point.
These other entities have a proven strategy that almost ensures that they will get their books into the black at the end of the year.
Do you? For your church?
How confident are you going into the end of the year, that the Christmas offering will be strong enough to overcome the deficits you might currently be experiencing?
What else could you do to make sure you maximize your end-of-year giving?
Here are 3 things that could make all the difference in the world.
- Set a solid but lofty goal. Yes, you have not because you ask not. Charles Stanley said many years ago “Where you are in your [church’s] life is the result of what you’ve been willing to believe God for.”So, rather than focus on the lack of resources in your church (or more accurately, the lack of GIVING of those resources) decide what you want to see GOD accomplish in your church.
- Get help. Select a handful of faithful members who will commit to regularly praying for your church’s Christmas offering. Rather than bear the burden (or your staff bear the burden) share the need with some members you can count on to pray that God will raise up the finances needed that last month of the year.
- Get more help. Make sure you have a comprehensive, proven pathway to making this year’s Christmas offering the best ever. Now, what does that mean? It means taking advantage of the best coaching out there that focuses on this specific area of church fundraising. Does something like that actually exist? It does … click here to learn about Rocket’s special Christmas Offering Coaching program that is designed for churches, just like YOURS.Most churches that we’ve worked with came to Rocket because they needed a game-changer for their church finances …We don’t recommend that any church plans their end-of-year offering without going through this program first.
To make it easier than ever:
The first 5 to respond will get 70% off the price of this coaching.