Giving Rocket
Increase regular, weekly giving in your church
If you want to know exactly what it takes to get your church in healthy financial standing and beyond, Giving Rocket is a done-for-you system that will add extra weeks to your annual church revenue.

Access the coaching in each module that has delivered giving increase to over 2,000 churches. You’ll hear recordings from today’s top-performing churches on how to structure your weekly giving talk, prepare for your seasonal offerings.
When you enroll, YOU GET
Download, share and deploy written coaching that will give you the systems you and your team need to grow your church. Receive unlimited access to our resource vault.
Access world-class coaching by video inside every module so that you can grow your church with perfect clarity and understanding
Receive audio coaching so you can access all the strategies, tactics, and growth resources while you are on the go in any environment
Get private, VIP access to a tribe of church leaders just like you, who learn with you and help answer questions together
Learn more using these 12 MODULES to maximize your leadership. Each lesson includes coaching videos, worksheets, mp3s as well as access to a community of leaders working through the material with you!
Module 1 Your Financial Funding Plan
Module 2 Creating a Plan to Get Money
Module 3 How to Get People to Give
Module 4 The #1 Way to Get More Money for Ministry
Module 5 Preaching to the Uncvhurched
Module 6 Create Happy Givers
Module 7 How to Attract High Impact Givers
Module 8 Three Sundays that Will Revolutionize Your Bank Account
Module 9 Help Your Congregation Win Financially
Module 10 How to Preach On Money And Do It Well
Module 11 Building the Best Board or FInance Team in Town
Module 12 Church Budgeting Made SImple
in a way that makes sense for you

Get Proven Results
Here's what people are saying:
$99 per month
- Monthly bite-sized coaching delivery
- Low monthly payments
$997 per year
- Access all modules on day 1
- Discounted ONE-TIME only payment
- Learn at your own pace