Get More Volunteers With Just One Word

Before we get to the one word that changes everything, let me show you something…

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These girls are breaking me. And not just financially. I’ve been an emotional wreck since daughter #1 was born.


Who thought a dad could cry so many times watching Inside Out?


If you have daughters young or old, you can relate to what I’m talking about.


If you have sons…I don’t know. I don’t have one (yet).


All I know is that my girls have turned my heart into a mushball.


But enough about my sappy sentimentalism.


These two girls aren’t completely different from the people you’re trying to recruit for your volunteer work force.


  1. They’re reluctant. They don’t completely believe in themselves. Because they’re well aware of their own flaws and weaknesses, they don’t think they have anything to offer. Or, they’re not sure they can “commit” to what you’re asking them to do.


  1. They’re rebellious. Let’s face it, church has jaded some people through the years. And it’s not always the church’s fault. Sometimes people simply associate church with guilt, even if they show up week after week. And guilt is an easy thing to rebel against.


But recruiting more volunteers isn’t about taking away all reluctance and rebellion. It’s about the one word that can change everything…




There are lots of definitions for the word, especially in the church space. But let’s stick with one for the sake of this conversation.


The why behind the what.


Let me pause here and invite you to join us for an interactive training this Wednesday where we’ll put some legs to this topic.


If you want a parking team volunteer. Or a nursery worker. Or someone who puts the lyrics on the screen for your worship team. Vision is still the answer. Here’s what I would say:


  • Parking Team Member: “There is nothing more important for people than first impressions. You are literally the first person they see connected to “church.” And by your actions, you can start breaking down walls before someone even gets out of their car.


  • Nursery Worker: “Most moms (especially first-time moms) are more nervous about dropping off their child than they are about feeling guilty as a result of the sermon. If you can make a mom feel at ease, you will create an opportunity for them to engage with God in the worship service.”


  • Lyrics: “You are as much of a worship leader as the person who sings the songs. You give people the opportunity to not just watch, but And these lyrics give them language to connect with their Heavenly Father.”


See the difference?


Steve Jeantet (pronounced John-tay) is the executive pastor at Covenant Life Church in Sarasota, Florida. He sent me an email this week that said:


“When people serve in their church, they are doing more than “volunteering.” They are fulfilling the very mandate of God upon their lives to build and expand His kingdom here on Earth. It is a tremendous calling and we should be looking to validate that in people’s lives.”


I couldn’t agree more. If you can connect a specific role to God’s movement at this time in history, you will invite them to be a part of something much bigger than themselves or their potential role.


So let’s move from information to inspiration.


JOIN US for this next-level discussion on Wednesday.