3 Ways To Get Out of the Money Pit
3 Ways To Get Out of the Money Pit Have you hit a summer slump in attendance and giving? Are you in need of some emergency work on your finances? Today we’re offering financial triage. Here are three things you can do to help relieve some of the financial burden you might be feeling right…
Read MoreDr. Charles Stanley Added to Preach Better Sermons LIVE in Atlanta
For those of you planning to attend the Atlanta stop on the Preach Better Sermons LIVE Tour, we’ve got a special announcement for you. Watch this one minute video from Jeff to hear the news. Dr. Charles Stanley will join us in person in Atlanta to talk about sermon prep and preaching the Bible. So in addition…
Read MoreDon’t Receive an Offering Without First Doing This AND This AND This!
A while back, I attended another church as a first-time guest. When it came time for the offering, the minister got up, announced the offering, prayed a quick prayer, and the plates were passed. I was sitting in the back row, and had no plans to give money, but the guy in the pew in…
Read MoreShould You Know What People Give (Part 2)
Our last blog post started a two-part conversation about a controversial subject within churches today. Pastors greatly debate whether it is okay for them to know the giving records of their church attendees and members. Yesterday, we presented the argument for knowing the giving records, but today we present the opposite view point. Today’s blog…
Read MoreShould You Know What People Give? (Part 1)
There is great debate among pastors about whether they should know who gives and how much a person gives. Today, we will make the argument that you should know what a person gives. Tomorrow, we will cover the opposite side of the conversation. Plain and simple, stewardship is discipleship. How a person stewards God’s resources…
Read MoreThe Dumbest Things Pastors Say About Money
Here are the Top Five Dumbest Things Pastors Say About Money: Give whatever you want to give. If you are a first-time guest, we do not want you to give. My wife and I are planning on increasing our giving to 6% this year. Did Jesus say, ‘where your treasure is there…
Read MoreHow to Talk about Money without Talking about Money
First, I think it is vitally important for you to know that I think it is okay to talk about money. In fact, I think you should talk about money frequently, strategically, and theologically. However, sometimes you can talk about money without talking about money. Here are some examples: Substitute “finances” for “money.” It sounds…
Read MoreVacations are Neccessary
Family vacations are important. If you’re working at a church that can’t survive without the pastor for a week or two, then you’re working at the wrong church. If you’ve led your staff or congregation to constantly need you, then you haven’t done a good job of leading your church. It’s absolutely…
Read MoreAre you an exhausted leader?
Tired leaders are everywhere. Actually, it’s a badge of honor to be tired in a lot of circles. I am constantly around people that talk about the long hours, lack of sleep, & crazy travel schedules. Here is the deal: I used to be one of these guys that bragged about how hard I worked.…
Read MoreA Sermon with No Words
Zak White, the Lead Pastor of Revolution Church in San Antonio, Texas (and a Preaching Rocket member) recently preached an entire sermon without using words. In fact, they used pre-printed signs, typing on an iPad, prayer, hands raised in worship and facial experessions to lead a completely silent service. All of this happened on Mother’s…
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