Take Their Word For It

More than 600 churches are committed to financial health and raising more money for ministry through a Giving Rocket membership. Over the last year, we’ve seen God do some incredible things in churches, and we’re fired up about helping even more in 2012. What we’re delivering to members in 2012 is truly amazing, and I…

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Does Your Church Need to Be More Organized?

Sometimes, the reason a church fails to grow is not a spiritual issue, it’s a structural issue. I have worked with a ton of churches and most church leaders tell me, “We need to be more organized.” I’ve never seen a church grow beyond growth barriers and sustain the growth without becoming more organized. The key…

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Members Get This In 2012

A lot of churches we work with have an annual theme.  Some use a phrase like “Thrive”, others have statements like “Do It For Them”.  There is a lot of power in an annual battle cry.  Do you have a theme? If not, why not? Here is our annual theme this year: Year Of The…

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Can You Help?

We are working on some unbelievable stuff to help the Church this year and I wanted to ask you for help. Will you please take 3 minutes right now and complete this 21-question giving survey?           We’re compiling some important data in the area of giving, and I’d be super grateful…

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The Perfect Annual Contribution Statement

Before you send out your annual contribution statement, you should turn it into a “vision statement”. Start the year out right and create the BEST vision statement your people have ever seen. 3 Components Of A Killer Contribution Statement 1. Vision:  Contrary to popular belief, most people don’t care about your church as much as…

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How Andy Stanley Handled A Heckler

I go to Browns Bridge Community Church & Andy Stanley is our pastor.  Today, during the first service, a heckler started yelling at him from the crowd during the closing minutes of his message.  I was not at the campus that Andy was preaching at but the video feed was live.  This heckler was loud…

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Stop Focusing on the Tithe and Focus on Jesus

“Tithing scriptures” is one of the most popular searches leading to this blog. It seems like people are looking for Bible verses to share before the offering is received, or looking for ways to teach the people in their church about the Biblical principle of tithing. We want to help you and your church talk…

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Why My Smart Phone Made Me Dumb

“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, look at me.” “Hey babe, can you please put your phone down and give me the baby wipes?” “Please do not tweet and drive with the kids in the car.” “Put your phone up, we are at dinner.” “Daddy, I want to be on twitter because you are on it.” I could…

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Get A Giving Rocket Membership for Half Off

It’s a new year – and we have a special offer that’s active for the next few days. If you want to accomplish more ministry in 2012 and get intentional about increasing giving, a Giving Rocket membership is what you need. This is a complete coaching system designed to help you operational revenue. For the…

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