Four Reasons People Don’t Give To Your Church

Depending on who you ask, there are two types of people in the world. Those who work and those willing to let them (Robert Frost) Those with loaded guns and those who dig (Clint Eastwood) Those who call it SODA and those who call it POP (Someone from the north) There are two types of…

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How to teach low-income attenders to be high impact givers

It would be nice if one person could write a big check and wipe the worry away from the church finances. But the average person in your church is barely getting by when it comes to their personal finances. So it shouldn’t surprise us that 86% of churches are either broke or at breakeven financially.  Get…

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Summer is a Great Time to Talk About Digital Giving

You might consider scaling back at church this summer.  People might consider doing the same thing in their giving.  Whether it is a missed Sunday, an extravagant vacation, or something else, people will be absent from worship services and giving will decrease. That is, unless you make “digital your default.”  While Giving Rocket coaches pastors…

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Where Did All the Money Go?

 When is the last time you shared with the church where all the money goes?  I am not talking about from the offering plate to counter’s table to a safe to a bank.  I am talking about how all the money is spent.  If you have not taken the opportunity to inform the people, consider…

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What is a “Tithe Challenge?”

Most people are “tithe challenged,” but what people need is a “tithe challenge.”  Every year, pastors and church staff are informed that only about 3-4% of Christians tithe.  So, apparently people are “tithe challenged.”  One way to combat those that are challenged in this area of their spiritual growth is through a “tithe challenge.” A…

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Stats, Stories and Scripture Motivate People to Give

Every weekend, you have the opportunity to motivate your people to give. But it’s time to abandon the tired, canned speech that you use every week. You can spice up this important moment in your service. You can motivate and inspire people to give, not just give them an opportunity. Here’s three tools you can…

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Giving Rocket Member Story

Here’s a story from one of our international members, Proclaimers Church who has been going since the early 90s and has been lead by Pastor’s Tom & Denise Rawls since 2003. They currently average over 500 each Sunday and have a campus in Norwich and in Ipswich, UK.  “When we did the first quarterly report for 2011 we had…

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His Kingdom or Their Kingdom?

So many churches struggle with the issue of balancing their view of credit card debt with their desire for digital giving. I read a quote recently: “In all transparency, I would rather people go into debt furthering His Kingdom rather than furthering their own kingdom!” What do you think? Would you rather people go into…

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Oh No! It’s a Sermon on Money

The other day I read a blog post from a pastor that began by stating, “No pastor likes to talk about money, and nobody in the church wants to hear a sermon on money.”  A few days before, I noticed a tweet from a pastor who claimed that he “survived” preaching on money that morning.…

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Are You a Strategic Giver?

Many people like to think of giving as an act of spontaneous worship.  God speaks, we’re moved, and we drop something in the offering plate.  We see a need, our heart is tugged, and we offer to help.  That’s how it works for a lot of people. And while it’s true that we need to…

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