How To Get More Done While You Get More Rest
You want your church to be a well-oiled machine. And by “well-oiled machine,” I mean organized, inviting, and excellent. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you want it to be better. (Cue this verse in the back of your mind) “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,…
Read MoreHow To Preach A Vision Casting Sermon-Whiteboard Session
One of the important roles as a pastor and preacher is casting vision for the church. When there is no clear vision for WHY, there is confusion over WHAT. In fact, many organizations drift and decline because of this kind of ambiguity over vision. It’s why preaching vision-casting messages are vital. In this Whiteboard session,…
Read MoreHow To Grow Your Church With Fantastic Worship Services-Whiteboard Session
Is your worship team holding back your worship service? In this Whiteboard Session, Todd Fields talks about gifting and leadership, and helps you identify how to get the right people on your team, and how to have conversations that may be difficult to have. The 3 Types of Musicians (Ebook Download) Link To Song…
Read MoreRocketCast 009: How To Create A Worship Set List That Works-Whiteboard Wednesday
How do you determine which songs to include in your worship set each week? How do you transition between each song. What are some tips for engaging your congregation in singing? Todd FieldsDirector of Worship Leader Development at Northpoint Community Churchanswers these questions and helps you create a worship set list in this week’s Whiteboard…
Read More3 Ways To Become A Generous Church
Last week, we posted an article on Facebook about how one reason church’s are struggling with engaging their communities, is that they’re too “inward focused” rather than being “outward focused.” So, how can your church become outward focused? By being a generous church. Notice we didn’t say by getting your congregation to be generous, but…
Read MoreHow To Derail Your Ministry And Life In 2015
“Busyness leads to barrenness.” That’s a quote I heard from a pastor a long time ago. He was talking about our tendency to neglect our relationship with God as our schedules fill up and the responsibilities of life crowd out what’s most important. It’s an obvious point, right? I mean, we’re pastors and church leaders.…
Read MoreCreate a Church Budget That Works With These 4 Steps
It all starts when you create a church budget that works Andy Stanley said at a Catalyst conference a few years ago that “if you don’t know why something’s working when it’s working, you won’t know how to fix it when it breaks.” That seems like a pretty straightforward observation, right? The reality is though,…
Read MoreWhen More Volunteers Create More Problems
As you might guess, our Volunteer Rocket coaching is primarily about helping churches get more volunteers. With that in mind, you may be surprised to learn there are instances when getting more volunteers can actually create more problems. The primary reason this happens is because you have a leadership shortage. If more volunteers create more…
Read MoreWhy Every Church Needs A Volunteer “Champion”
When volunteers are recruited, trained and released into ministry, there is a risk that they will still start to pull in different directions. Without someone to champion volunteer connections, volunteers can quickly become discouraged with their progress and confused about their specific roles and responsibilities. My friend Tim Stevens used to always say, “Unless it’s…
Read MoreA Prayer For Worship Leaders by Leaders of Worship
Worship services are the #1 thing that evangelical churches do every week that impact the most people at the same time. It happens EVERY week. Worship Leaders and Pastors are constantly under pressure to lead in wisdom and truth. So, this prayer is a gift of encouragement to church leaders around the world.
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