Creative Communication with Your Donors

When it comes to following up with first time givers, you need to thank them personally. When it comes to following up with consistent givers, you need to communicate with them regularly. That means you should at least send a monthly email highlighting the ministry of the church and connecting the dots. This isn’t a…

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Following Up With Givers Isn’t About the Money

Following up with people who give to your church isn’t about providing information, it’s about investing in the discipleship process. People who give do so for a variety of reasons, but it’s important that you help them understand the “why behind the what.” Aside from a yearly giving statement, there is little if any communication…

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Are You Following Up With Givers in Your Church

A missing element, in cultivating a healthy and God honoring level of stewardship and generosity in your church, could be the process of following up with givers. In reality, helping people create and maintain a healthy culture of stewardship is all about communication. If you stop and think about it, this is true about almost…

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