Church Giving
How Connexus Church Increased Giving by 22%
I wanted to introduce you to my friend Carey Nieuwhof. Carey is the Lead Pastor of Connexus Community Church near Ontario, Canada. We’ve had the opportunity to work together for a couple of years. Carey was kind enough to answer some questions, and I wanted to share his answers with you. What is the top…
Read MoreThree Keys to Increasing Online Giving
Studies show online donations are larger than in-service donations, and online donors tend to be more consistent. That’s why increasing online giving is a key to increasing overall giving to your church. Here are three keys to increasing giving via online channels. Key Number 1: Make it Faster. If online giving is complicated, or requires…
Read MoreWhy People Don’t Tithe To Your Church
You pass the plate every week, youve got an online giving button on your website and you send a super-informative letter with a contribution statement. So why dont more people give to your church? Or why dont people increase their giving to fund the vision? Here are seven reasons people don’t tithe to your church.…
Read MoreFive Things You Can Do to Increase Regular Giving in Your Church
“Having money beats not having money,” a pastor emailed us last week. While there are churches in all kinds of settings doing ministry in all kinds of ways, money does seem to be a common denominator. Resources can make ministry happen. Finances can facilitate ministry. You don’t need a car wash or a capital campaign…
Read MoreKeeping Tithes and Offerings Consistent Throughout the Summer
As the summer approaches, I wanted to share with you a few practical ideas for how you can work on giving. Summer is a stressful time for a lot of churches, because when people go on vacation, their giving often does the same thing. That’s why spending three weeks (May is the PERFECT time) talking…
Read More10 Things Pastors Should Know About Thanking Financial Leaders
This past week I had two extensive coaching sessions with pastors regarding how best to thank financial leaders, otherwise known as wealthy people. There are many misconceptions about the important topic of engaging those with significant financial resources. Therefore, I would like to pass on 10 pieces of critical information that all pastors and church…
Read MoreHow to Make A Church Budget Sexy (It’s Possible…)
Does your church budget look like this? Or does it look like this? Here is the deal… Nobody cares about the church budget except the people in charge of it. However, people care about people. The way to make your staff care about the budget is to make it come alive through pictures and stories.…
Read MoreHow to Preach on Money Effectively
The other day I read a blog post from a pastor that began by stating, “No pastor likes to talk about money, and nobody in the church wants to hear a sermon on money.” A few days before, I noticed a tweet from a pastor who claimed that he “survived” preaching on money that morning.…
Read MoreDon’t Use Dirty Language Before Receiving An Offering in Church!
If you want to increase giving in your church, you should do a Giving Talk before you receive the offering this week. A Giving Talk is when you take about two minutes to connect with your crowd about their giving. Church giving is being revolutionized by Giving Talks. Here are a couple of things to…
Read MoreWhat Do You Do When Your Church Budget Gets Tight?
We have all had weeks and months where we did everything the same and the giving didn’t meet our expectations. I get asked a lot about what to do when income isn’t coming in as expected. What should you do? The majority of pastors don’t do anything or they start using guilt; neither of these…
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