Are You Following Up With Givers in Your Church

A missing element, in cultivating a healthy and God honoring level of stewardship and generosity in your church, could be the process of following up with givers. In reality, helping people create and maintain a healthy culture of stewardship is all about communication. If you stop and think about it, this is true about almost…

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You Can’t Fund a New Vision With Old Methods

You have a fresh, new vision for your church.  You have new ideas for reaching your community and sharing the love of Jesus.  You’re ready to try new things in ministry so the Gospel can go farther. But you’re trying to fund all of that with OLD methods.  Like trying to put new wine in…

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Why Your Church Needs An Annual Funding Plan

Most of the churches we work with do a decent job of creating a “money going out” plan. In most cases, there’s usually a budget that shows how the money will be spent. A budget is a spending plan. But you need an annual funding plan. I’m talking about a strategic plan for receiving all…

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