Posts by Renee Weber
Following Up With Givers Isn’t About the Money
Following up with people who give to your church isn’t about providing information, it’s about investing in the discipleship process. People who give do so for a variety of reasons, but it’s important that you help them understand the “why behind the what.” Aside from a yearly giving statement, there is little if any communication…
Read MoreIs Talking About Money on Easter Bad?
No! We’ve test this over the last three years and it works well. Check this out!! CLICK HERE (
Read MoreThe Five Types of Givers in Every Church
On any given Sunday, there are people in the congregation who WILL support your church financially and those who WILL NOT. But it’s not quite so black and white. Every church actually has FIVE types of givers. Many people don’t give at all. Some studies show this is actually MOST of the people in your…
Read MoreAre You Following Up With Givers in Your Church
A missing element, in cultivating a healthy and God honoring level of stewardship and generosity in your church, could be the process of following up with givers. In reality, helping people create and maintain a healthy culture of stewardship is all about communication. If you stop and think about it, this is true about almost…
Read MoreEaster Offering – The Easiest Offering of the Year
Did you know that taking up an Easter offering is one of the easiest offerings you can take up all year? Take up an Easter Offering as a special offering and you will increase your giving big time on that weekend. People have unfounded fears about talking about money on Easter. Most churches I know…
Read MoreIs Your Offering Time At Church Irrelevant?
The most irrelevant time of most church services is during the offering time when the plate is passed. And it’s not because unchurched people don’t know what’s happening. It has nothing to do with HOW you ask people to participate. Those things are important, but the reason your offering is irrelevant is most people don’t…
Read MoreThe Tour Begins in 8 Days
In 8 days, we kick off the first ever Giving Rocket Tour. We’re traveling to nine cities, and stopping at nine churches to teach you the NEW RULES OF CHURCH FUNDRAISING. This event is completely free, and we’re even providing lunch. Over the course of several hours, we’re going to give you a TON of…
Read MoreBook Give Away – 10 Winners Only
One of my goals in 2012 is to read 100 books. A lot of people have made resolutions and want to stick with them this year. I wanted to recommend a book and offer you a chance to get a free copy. My friend Richie Hughes has written a lot of great books, but this…
Read MoreYou Can’t Fund a New Vision With Old Methods
You have a fresh, new vision for your church. You have new ideas for reaching your community and sharing the love of Jesus. You’re ready to try new things in ministry so the Gospel can go farther. But you’re trying to fund all of that with OLD methods. Like trying to put new wine in…
Read MoreTop Five Questions Answered
Here are five of the most common Giving questions asked on this website, along with the simplest answers I can give. Does Giving Rocket really work? Yes, but it’s a system not a silver bullet. Churches who stick with it and apply what we teach regularly see an increase in giving. Like going to the gym,…
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