After Easter (Part 1): Maintaining Momentum

The big Sunday is almost here. And when it’s done, you’ll probably breathe a sigh of relief; but you have to do it all over again the following Sunday. And the Sunday after that. And the one after that…(you get it). You probably have two big questions on your mind: How do I keep the momentum from a really great Easter going? And how do I keep from getting burned out while keeping the momentum going?

Keeping Momentum Going:

The number one way to keep both member and personal momentum going after Easter is to stay on top of your preaching game. As Casey Graham puts it:

“The messages you deliver are what keep your current members coming back week after week. And, they’re the greatest determining factor of whether or not guests and unchurched people will attend your church.”

Now, we understand that is a lot of pressure on you. But it’s the kind of pressure that comes with great and exciting responsibilities, right? Thankfully, it’s also the kind of pressure that you don’t have to take alone. One of our most popular resources, Preaching Rocket, exists specifically to help you maximize your sermon prep through strategy, content, and even team-building tips. If you haven’t enlisted a program for sermon assistance and checks, there really isn’t a better time than right after the Easter high to prevent a summer slump!

Reinvigorate Your Services

While the sermon is an important part, the entire service sets the tone for your church.  Every element of your service can impact growth, both in attendance numbers and the spiritual growth of attendees! Many churches really go all out for Easter services with extra practices, extra volunteers, basically, extra everything.

While we all know that workload isn’t sustainable week after week, with a little creative planning and strategy, you’d be surprised at the ways you can move things forward! Enter Service Rocket, a step-by-step program loaded with ways to invigorate, inspire, and engage through your services. Your worship services can stay fresh and engaging and even surprising in ways that lead to the authentic worship experience we all hope for.

Reinvigorate Your Leadership

This one’s quick and easy. Have a staff/leadership meeting/mini-retreat as a “debrief” session: talk about how Easter went, what are some opportunities you can build on, develop an action plan to act on these opportunities, both through Sunday services and beyond in daily interactions with your community.

So that’s the first part of the equation: keeping the momentum going. But going at a high octane, putting in the effort to grow a church that’s thriving is daunting. We’ll be back with more on how to avoid burnout while doing the exciting, yet exhausting work of expanding God’s kingdom here on earth.