Seven Cheesy but Powerful Ways to Thank Volunteers
Feeling grateful and saying thanks are two different things.
So while it’s great to feel thankful for the volunteers who serve at your church each week, take some time to actually say thanks. Here are seven really cheesy ways you can thank a volunteer this week. These were inspired by an article in Children’s Ministry magazine, but they will work for volunteers in all kinds of ministry areas.
1. Give someone a 100 Grand Candy bar with a note that says, “You’re worth even more to us.” You could also do this during a quick round up on Sunday morning.
2. Give away a small package of lifesavers, with a note that says, “You’re a lifesaver.”
3. Along with a can of 7-up, hand a volunteer a list of seven reasons they are important to you and the ministry.
4. Give out a bag of animal crackers and say, “This place would be a zoo without you.” (If you say it right, the rhyme makes it even more cheesy.)
5. Give your Sunday School teachers or small group leaders a bag of Bugles and say, “Thanks for proclaiming God’s Word.”
6. A pack of peanuts is a simple way to tell someone “We’re nuts about you.”
7. A Mounds candy bar can be just the trick to let someone know they are making a mound of a difference.
What other cheesy ways can you think to say thanks?