Look What Members Got in February
We just wrapped up another month, and as I look back on all the stuff we delivered to our members, it’s incredible. This year, we made the decision to pour into members by giving them access to everything we have. It’s the year of the member! Here’s a list of everything we delivered:
- Video, audio and eBook on The Giver Follow Up System
- A money back guarantee giving flyer, sample giving envelopes, first time giver
letters, first time giver email, quarter giving letters, email to all contributors, email
promoting digital giving, pledge follow up letter, card promoting online giving - Video from Bob Franquiz on how he follows up with people at Calvary Fellowship
- Video interview with Michael Robison from UnCommon Church
- Three follow up letters (first time gift, online gift, big gift)
- Four brand new Giving Talks
We also answered a ton of email and met a bunch of members on the Giving Rocket Tour.
Incredible month!
In the coming months, we’re talking about digital giving, how to talk about money, how to
do a financial initiative and more. You can try Giving Rocket for $1.