Does Your Church Need to Be More Organized?
Sometimes, the reason a church fails to grow is not a spiritual issue, it’s a structural issue. I have worked with a ton of churches and most church leaders tell me, “We need to be more organized.”
I’ve never seen a church grow beyond growth barriers and sustain the growth without becoming more organized. The key question I get asked about organizing a church financially or for growth is, “Where do I start?” I tell church leaders there are three things they need to do to get organized.
Three Important Steps to Organizing Your Church
- Write everything down.
- Write everything & I mean everything down.
- Write everything & I mean everything & I really mean EVERYTHING down.
Eight Key Areas of Church That MUST Be Organized
- Connections
- Creative Arts
- Facilities
- Family Ministry
- Finances
- Staff
- Volunteers
- Structure
My friend Michael has created a resource that includes over 60 Documents & Forms in these 8 key Areas. It’s hands down the most practical, useful and usable resource I’ve seen. I’m not trying to hype you – I just know it will save you time and help your church. For $99, it’s a super deal.
When you get your church more organized, funny things start happening. You’ll have less stress. Things work smoother and better. And you’re able to see more life-change happen.