4 Essentials To Include When Training A Guests Services Team
When you have guests who show up at your church, they’re going to walk away and say one of two things…
“I felt like a guest”
“I felt like an intruder”
Many guests haven’t been to church in a long time. Many of them are skeptical or afraid. Sometimes, they’re just not sure what it’s going to be like and how people are going to respond to them.
When you develop a volunteer guest services team, you put yourself in the position to ease as much tension as possible for your guests.
Guest service is important at hotels, restaurants, and hospitals…
Even more so, guests service is super-important at churches!
Think about it: you are offering the hope of Jesus Christ to guests who have a lot of fear and skepticism.
When it comes to training guest service volunteers, there are four things that that a team member must understand!
But first…
Before you start an individual or team training, however, always thank your volunteers for their time, energy, and service.
And always show them the same love, care, and attention that you want them to show first-time guests
Mindset: Walk In Their Shoes
a) Feel: guest services is about understanding that everybody has different experiences and expectations. We must seek to feel the tensions that guests feel.
b) Pay attention: every time you walk into a new place (restaurant, gathering at your kid’s school, etc.), take note of the tensions you feel and the questions you want answered.
Personalization: Embrace Their Uniqueness
a) Look: every guest has a story that has shaped the way they view the world and church. Instead of seeing all people the same, look at every guest with this in mind: “I don’t know anything about their story. But somehow, it has brought them to this church today.”
b) Embrace: as a member of the Guest Services Team, you have a unique story that informs your worldview. And you can make distinctive contributions based on your strengths, talents, experiences, etc. Embrace that, and use it to connect with a wide range of people who walk through the doors of this church.
Uncertainty: Know How To Adapt
a) Change: guest services centers around human interactions. And as we’ve already stated, every human is different. Because of that, you cannot see your role as static. It’s constantly changing, based on one person to the next.
b) Act: you must learn to be comfortable and confident making quick decisions, acting, and adapting to a unique range of circumstances and individuals.
Vision: Serve With Purpose
a) Remember: without purpose, we will simply be doing “tasks.” And tasks can get monotonous. Before you serve on Sunday, remind yourself of why we’re doing what we’re doing: “So guests will know how much God loves them by how well we serve them.”
b) Love: If we are going to truly accomplish our mission and vision for guests each week, we must work together. If we are going to invite guests into a loving community, we must model that with each other.