10 Volunteer Interview Questions

Looking to beef up your volunteer recruitment, training, and empowerment process?

Let’s start by taking a look at your selection process.

If you’ve been on a church staff for a while, chances are good that you’ve gotten “that volunteer.” You know, the one that made you wish you had never said yes in the first place.

Trust me, I know how hard it is to say no to potential volunteers, especially when you’re STARVING for more people to serve. To make matters worse, the people you really want to help are saying…


Yeah, I’d say we’re all pretty much sitting in that “need more help” boat.

  • But part of creating a great volunteer culture is protecting it.
  • And part of protecting it is making sure the right people are in the right place, and the wrong people are NOT in the wrong place.

To set you in rapid motion, here are 10 great volunteer interview questions to help you see the red flags before they slap your team’s emotional climate in the face. Let us know if you have some other great ones to add to the list.

10 Volunteer Interview Questions

  1. When people ask you why you go to church here, what do you say?
  2. Why do you want to serve in this area?
  3. Describe what doing this role successfully looks like to you. Where do you feel like you will need the most training and support?
  4. What is God teaching you right now?
  5. Who has influenced you the most spiritually? Why?
  6. Tell me about a time you failed or faced adversity. What did you learn from it?
  7. Tell me about a recent time you dealt with conflict. How did you handle it?
  8. What brings you the most joy?
  9. How would you respond if you had a great idea and a staff member said no?
  10. Is there anything I should know about before you take a volunteer position?

These questions are just a drop in the bucket of all the ridiculously practical resources you get with the VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING BUNDLE that comes in a goodie bag called SYSTEMS BUNDLE 2.0.

Side note: we also have 13 interview questions to ask potential small group leaders (could also be used for Sunday School teachers).

No matter the size, denomination, or location of your church, these church systems were designed with you mind. Systems Bundle 2.0 will help you implement and streamline some of the most important processes in your church. It is designed to help you better invest in and increase the impact of your congregation, staff, giving, and volunteers

If you’re running low on time or resources, Christmas just came early.

Most people pounce on our systems bundle products because they help you be twice as effective in a fraction of the time.

The Volunteer Bundle includes things like…

  • Volunteer Survey
  • Volunteer Contentment Check
  • Volunteer Recruitment Review
  • Volunteer Recruitment Checklist
  • Volunteer Vision Night Guide
  • AMP Volunteer Training
  • Volunteer Interest Form
  • Volunteer Application
  • Volunteer Leader Calendar

Let’s eliminate the confusion and avoid the time vacuums. Grow your church in a healthy and systematic way with Systems Bundle 2.0.
